PIKU~ As I See It

Constipated with life? Watch PIKU, flush it all and come out refreshed!

Piku is a journey of soul cleansing. It is not often that people touch upon topics that are 
so ordinary, so regular, so weird. And it is even rarer when people use those topics in an 
incredibly humorous manner, to make a film that is simplistically charming.

Constipation and stomach issues, I believe are common problems. But how many of us come out in the open and talk about them? Baba and his vocal nature, have got something to teach us. Why do we shy away when it comes to talking about things that bother us? Why is it that 
people find it so tough to describe their difficulties just as they are? It would be so much better if we were comfortable enough, to share our hassles and not just our happiness.
Life is beyond hang ups!

I so agree with Baba's words "Hamara emotion hamara motion ke saath hi juda hua hai"...
This is actually a fact. If your bowel system is working well, you feel good.
Another message to pick up. If you are doing fine on the inside, if you liberate your inner self rather than trapping it, you will lead a much better life. The journey will be a lot smoother, with bumps reduced to a minimum.

The parent-child relationship has been thrown light at, from a very unique angle. The imperfect edges have been the focus here. And that is what makes the story stand out. 
Emotional bonds don't always fall in the black or white zone. There is an intermediate area 
too. One that is the most sensitive. It is commendable how the lacunae in the father-daughter 
tie actually keep them together. They may not be the happiest people around, but they are 
definitely the sweetest. The father is a bit selfish or rather insecure. Just the way a 
little baby is possessive about his mom, and doesn't like her giving attention to anybody 
else, baba is the grumpy, funny old man, who is an absolute child at heart. He is someone who thinks so highly of women and keeps Piku on a pedestal, yet he doesn't want to let go of her. He doesn't want her to leave him.
Deepika does complete justice to Piku. She loves her Baba so much. She is doing her best to 
be able to cater to all his needs, his tantrums, his demands, his whims and fancies. Though 
she may find his clutching on to her irritating, she knows well that there is just no way she 
can do without him. While Baba's emotional dependence on Piku is sharply portrayed, there are not-so-subtle shades of Piku's immense dependence on him too! These people are perfect beyond imperfections...
Irfan's potential has been exploited in a never before manner. Rana is witty, straight forward, honest. He is like that "good" guy you keep waiting for and you don't even realize how he enters your life from nowhere. He pretends to not care, but just like Piku, he can't leave his family. His attachment with his kin, is depicted in a very non-focussed and thus interesting way.

I am still dazed, and in awe of how artistically, an issue as funny and absurd as stomach issues, has been dealt with. I am in awe of how simply they have shown life & its complexities. The performances are so nuanced, the background score so soothing, the detailing flawless, the dialogues meaningful yet hilarious. Everything looks almost real. This is one of the most identifiable and relatable scripts ever. 

Each one of us can see our reflections, in Baba, Piku and Rana, at some point of time. It is like a flowing compilation of numerous "this is just so me" moments! As you watch the film, you realize how people are no different from each other. We are all the same. Struggling to find some answers. And this movie shows how we get those answers from place we had never imagined we would. As you watch the film, you faith in relationships gets reaffirmed. You don't even realize when you start appreciating the beauty of being around loved ones.
Piku is an adventure ride. It is sprinkled with elements of fun, laughter, apprehensions, confusion, hesitations, excitement, hiccups, satisfaction, contentment, happiness, sorrows and the spirit of taking life as it comes. It is delightfully portrayed and thus, it touches you deep 
down somewhere.

This piece makes no sense if I don't talk about Bhaskor Babu. This guy named Amitabh Bachchan has absolutely no idea of how splendid he is. This character is absolutely the exact opposite of what he is, as a person. Yet, the aptness and the brilliance he has portrayed it with, is unbelievable to say the least. Every time I wonder if he has done every possible kind of role, he comes up with something that blows my mind away.
He is highly convincing as a bengali old man. If someone doesn't know him in person, he/she 
would certainly never believe that he is from another culture. AB's act is a flawless one. 
All his scenes made my jaws drop. My cheeks and my tummy hurt from laughing so much, with him. He possesses an unmatched comic timing and a super impressive sense of humor! His portrayal of an almost irritating, attention seeking, paranoid, yet super adorable bizarre 
old man, just goes on to reiterate the fact that he is the GREATEST LEGEND EVER in the true 
sense of the word! The other actors still stand nowhere. They have a long long way to go 
before they can even try to match up to him. His expressions, his dialogue delivery, the funny gait, the cute belly and the mischievous eyes keep you in a daze. He stole the show 
like always, and he stole my heart too (possibly for the millionth time) ;)

All and all, Piku is that breath of fresh air, when films that don't even have a reason to be made, suffocate us so bad. The movie brings us all back to where our roots are. It makes us find ourselves in the reflections of the past. It fills the void within our beings. Towards the end, we realize how incomplete we are, away from our kin, our place, our source. Piku is liberating!
This film is for all age groups. It caters to all kinds of people. It is a treat for everyone who values relationships and bonds with their dear ones!

If you haven't, go watch it at the earliest opportunity! If you have, keep that smile on... :)

P.S.- Mr. Bachchan, there is just about nothing you haven't tried. Congratulations for you 
aced it as always. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am, as a fan, as your EF. Thank 
you for being magical beyond words. I know you know it, but still, I love you! :)


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